
Monday, November 15, 2010

Symptoms Of Insomnia - Not Getting Enough Sleep?

If a person finds himself or herself in bed until the wee hours of the morning unable to fall asleep, that person is experiencing one of the main symptoms of insomnia. Other people can experience interrupted sleep. They wake up and cannot fall asleep again. Some wake up and fall asleep only to wake up again. All of these are symptoms of insomnia.

How much sleep is needed?

The amount of sleep a person needs does vary according to age. Babies are the best example. They do it almost the whole day for the first few months. The amount of sleep decreases as they age.

Experts say people need 8 hours of sleep. 8 hours is actually the average duration of sleep for adults. Napoleon Bonaparte only needed 4 hours. Other people need as much as 10 hours. It is also a fact that people lose one minute of deep sleep every year.

Sleep is important. It is during that period wherein the brain recharges itself. It is also the time wherein the body repairs, regenerates and produces some hormones. The growth hormone is an example.

Sleeping for 4 hours is adequate. If the person does not feel sleepy or unrested during the day, 4 hours is good enough. It only becomes a problem when people experience other symptoms of insomnia.

Other symptoms of insomnia

Feeling tired, irritable, sleepy, stressed and depressed are other symptoms of insomnia. People that do not feel refreshed or energetic after sleep have insomnia. The brain doesn't get enough rest when people do not get enough sleep. Therefore, insomniacs, people with insomnia may find it hard to concentrate. Some even experience memory loss, flashes of light, dizziness and nausea.

Due to the other symptoms mentioned, insomniacs end up as underperforming individuals. They cannot do their best at work or at school. In chronic cases, their relationships with friends and relatives may also suffer.

Insomnia has effects that people can't see. Sleeplessness also affects the immune system. Insomniacs are more prone to getting sick than people who get a good night's rest. In the long run, it puts the person at risk of becoming overweight or obese. It may also indirectly cause high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes.

Indirectly causes accidents

Symptoms of insomnia can indirectly cause accidents to occur. Accidents endanger other people, not just the insomniac. Feeling sleepy and driving is not a good idea. Accidents due to drowsy drivers outnumber those that drive drunk. In cases that end in fatality, the driver falls asleep behind the wheel.

Many work related accidents also happen to people who lack sleep. Accidents occur twice as much compared to those that get enough sleep. In some industries, construction for example, these accidents can also be fatal.

Get a good night's rest

For some people, that is easier said than done. Regardless, sleep is vital. There are many possible cures for insomnia. It may be a "try and try" process because insomnia does have many different causes. What works for one person may not work on the other. However, knowing is half the problem solved.

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