
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Risks of Sleep Apnea

Many have heard about the adverse effects of Sleep Apnea to one's life such as restlessness and exhaustion due to the lack of sleep in their lives. These cause the patients to be overly exhausted and restless throughout the day which results to them not being able to function properly during the day. These cause mediocre work outputs and even worse, accidents. This may cause sudden deaths as there are many possibilities when it comes to people that did not have enough rest and are prone to falling asleep in the middle of the day.

Many have become victims to such circumstances which causes accidents, most commonly in the high way where car crashes happen due to the fact that drivers who suffer from sleep apnea fall asleep while driving.

However, other than the actual lack of sleep, sleep apnea also brings forth many health risks.

Two of the most dangerous health complications that this can bring are high blood pressure and heart conditions. Allow us to elaborate more on that:

Apnea brings forth high blood pressure in the body. This is because the irregularity and cessation of the breathing causes alarm to the body. When the breathing hitches and becomes irregular, the body takes it as a signal that the heart should work harder and pump more blood to the system to carry more oxygen.

However, since the irregularity did not actually originate from the heart, this causes an over pumping of the blood in the body and causes high blood pressure. As the heart pumps harder, it also receives less oxygen due to the cessation of the breathing causes more and more stress upon the heart as the sleep apnea inflicted patient sleeps. Stemming from this is also the possibility of heart ailments and stroke due to high blood pressure.

These risks need to be addressed. If you found out that you or a loved one may have this condition, it is very important to readily seek medical help.

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